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Getting started with peera
Hello, i'm new here. Just want to know how to improve my reputaion. Because i am trying to comment and like some post but i can't because my reputation are low. This is my first post here. And also, i am a beginner learning solidity on cyfrin updraft so i guess i will be using this platform alot, Thank you community.
- expert q&a
- tutorial
- reputation
- reward
2Hey! I'm new here too. I guess the system is similar too StackOverflow has: more upvotes you got - more reputation you earn.
I found that to start commenting and upvoting other posts you will need 35+ reputation points in your Community Forum (e.g. 35 points in cyfrin updraft, 35 in Peeranha Meta etc)
Mostly Bombito is right. The more answers you make, the more upvotes you get (if the answers are of high quality).
But to get started and make yourself known, I can advise a few points:
- Make some posts (questions) in the Expert Q&A section of your community forum and choose the best answer;
- Create a tutorial and ask the community to respond to it;
- Answer a few questions in the Expert Q&A section to get a few upvotes or a “Best Answer” checkmark.
Note: Why the Expert Q&A section? Simply because this section brings more reputation to the contributor by default.
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Peera is a decentralized questions and answers protocol for Web3 where users can organize and store their interests and skills, creating a common community platform