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Jun 21, 2023

Overview of Peeranha Bots - Setup

Overview of Peeranha Bots

Peeranha has introduced bots for Slack, Discord, and **Telegram **to allow users to get all the benefits of Peeranha protocol without leaving their favorite messengers!

Note: Telegram is used to showcase the features.

Let's take a look at the current and soon-to-be-released features of the Peeranha bot:

Receiving notifications of new posts Currenly a core feature of the bot, this functionality allows people to receive notifications on the new post in the subsribed communities in the corresponding messenger chats.

Replying to posts

!Upcoming feature!

This feature allows users to answer posts directly from messenger chat, group, or server without the need to log in to Peeranha. The answer will then be published on the platform.

However, answers submitted through the bot, will be published on Peeranha on behalf of the messenger bot. This means that information on reputation and NFTs will not be displayed. Nonetheless, the Linking user messenger account with Peeranha account feature described on this page will address this and allow users to answer posts using their account name and continue earning their reputation on Peeranha.

What does it look like in a chat?

  1. Every messenger has its own hints on how to reply to a post. For example, in Telegram it looks like this:

  1. To reply to the post, a user clicks **Reply **and writes the answer.

  1. If the answer was successfully posted, the user gets the confirmation.

The reply looks like this on Peeranha:

Creating posts

!Upcoming feature!

With this feature, users can create posts on Peeranha without the need to log in to the platform directly. This can be done through messenger chat, group, or server. However, creating posts on Peeranha requires several steps such as choosing the community, post type, and tags, which can be challenging to do via bots. To make the process easier for users, the chat, group, or server Administrator is expected to configure all the necessary settings: community name and tags. After all the configurations are set up, users can creat posts with the commands suggested by the bot.

Example of commands:

/discussion {text of the post}

/expert {text of the post}

/tutorial {text of the post}

However, posts created through the bot will be published on Peeranha on behalf of the messenger bot. This means that information on reputation and NFTs will not be displayed. Nonetheless, the Linking user messenger account with Peeranha account feature will address this issue and allow users to create posts using their account name and continue earning their reputation on Peeranha.

What does it look like in a chat?

Note: as it is a test bot, commands include "test_bot". However, in production all the commands will be without it.

Once the configuration is complete by the Administrator, users can create posts using the bot.

Steps for users:

  1. To make a new post, the user selects the post type with /discussion, /expert, or /tutorial command

  1. The first sentence is considered a post title. The rest of the text will be published as the body of the post.

  2. If the post was successfully created, the user gets the confirmation.

On Peeranha, the post looks like this:

Linking messenger accounts to Peeranha account

!Upcoming feature!

Users who link their messenger account to their Peeranha account can provide answers and create posts from the bot under their name and continue earning reputation on the platform for their valuable contributions. In Settings, which is accessible from the user’s profile, users can view what accounts from what messengers are linked with the Peeranha account. Users can link and unlink accounts with the following commands suggested by the bot:

/linkaccount {wallet number}

/unlinkaccount {wallet number}

However, if a user unlinks an account in Settings, they can only relink it from the messenger chat with the bot using the commands suggested by the bot.

Receiving AI auto-replies to questions

!Upcoming feature!

Users who are members of any community chat, group, or server that has enabled the Peeranha bot with AI features can ask a question. The Peeranha bot will analyze the content on Peeranha and provide relevant answers.

To ensure quality and accuracy, the Peeranha bot will prioritize the best answer or the answer with the most upvotes if there are multiple responses to a given question.

  • tutorial

Peera is a decentralized questions and answers protocol for Web3 where users can organize and store their interests and skills, creating a common community platform

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