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35 points hard to achieve
To achieve 35 points in Peeranha prety hard road. I see posts where would love to interact, unfortunataly can't do anythink :( Any otever task to acheve this 35 points to finay be ablu to move? Thank you ☺️
- discussion
3Hey! Agree that 35 points is a pretty difficult to achieve especially alone. I guess that you have already seen this tutorial. \
My advice is to answer questions in Expert Q&A or make posts in Expert/Tutorials (coz upvotes in this sections would bring you more reputation)
Yes, I did seen the tutorial. Understood. thank you for your help.
Being first to answer can get you 10 points + any upvotes its more
just post and/or create a topic to increase the points.
after I admit that it is not necessarily obvious at first sight.
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Peera is a decentralized questions and answers protocol for Web3 where users can organize and store their interests and skills, creating a common community platform