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Mar 28, 2023

Titling and making rules for it

We look forward to accumulating knowledge about Peeranha. The community has taken their valuable time to suggest these comments. We would like to increase its value as much as possible. To do so, it needs to be discovered by many members who are seeking that knowledge. In order to be discovered by many members, I think we need to dig deeper and think about how we should give titles, or give titles according to some rules.

  • discussion
  • expert q&a


Sergey Ilin.
Mar 29 2023, 04:08

This is a great suggestion! Thank you for thinking about it.

We started working on the rules for content posted on Peeranha in general -

The goal is to make sure that all content provides valuable knowledge that will be helpful to the community.

Our team will discuss adding rules for the title and content of the post. Highly appreciate your suggestion.

Mar 29 2023, 15:00

I am pleased that you will consider my proposal. I look forward to making it more user-friendly.

Apr 2 2023, 08:17

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on enhancing Peeranha's value and visibility! It's great to see the community coming together and contributing their valuable insights. Your suggestion to focus on improving titles is an excellent one, as it can play a crucial role in attracting more members who are seeking knowledge.

To achieve this, we can collaboratively develop guidelines or best practices for crafting titles that are informative, engaging, and easy to understand. These guidelines can help ensure consistency across the platform and make it easier for users to discover relevant content. Additionally, we could consider organizing periodic workshops or discussions to refine these rules and share ideas on optimizing titles further.

Your proactive approach and dedication to the community are commendable, and I am optimistic that, with your input and the contributions of other members, Peeranha will continue to grow and become an even more valuable knowledge-sharing platform. Let's work together to make it happen!


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