Hỏi đáp Chuyên Gia
Hỏi đáp với các chuyên gia trong cộng đồng Peera Meta
Bài viết
52- Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaDec 04, 2024
Débuter avec Peera
Bonjour, je suis nouveau ici. Je veux juste savoir comment améliorer ma réputation. Parce que j'essaie de commenter et d'aimer un post mais je ne peux pas parce que ma réputation est faible. C'est mon premier post ici. Et aussi, je suis un débutant qui apprend Solidity sur Cyfrin Updraft, donc je suppose que je vais beaucoup utiliser cette plateforme, merci à la communauté.
- expert q&a
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- reward
22 - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaDec 26, 2023
Audit Vulnerability Findings
Hi Guys, As a person who is interested in smart contract auditing but have never done before I have this question in my head. What if an auditor finds a lets say critical vulnerability which will enable him to steal all the funds in a bug bounty but won't announce this to the audited company? This case they'll be able steal all the funds. How the companies are protecting themselves against such vulnerabilities? Thanks in advance!
- discussion
11 - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaAmeta17Nov 20, 2023
What's difference between public and private blockchains?
What is difference between public and private blockchains? Thank you in advance
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- expert q&a
26Câu trả lời hay nhất - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaAug 17, 2023
Peeranha platform APIs
Is Peeranha an open source platform and can we use its APIs? Any plans for the future?
- expert q&a
21 - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaCopyMate29Aug 11, 2023
Are there any plans to make Peeranha a cross-chain protocol?
Currently Peeranha is storing knowledge on Polygon and IPFS that is amazing! However, to date, there is some competition between L1 ecosystems in Web3. Consequently, the knowledge and activity of the Near community is unlikely to be possible on Polygon. This leads to a logical question about launching Peeranha on other chains and achieving the status of cross-chain project.
- expert q&a
21Câu trả lời hay nhấtCâu trả lời chính thức - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaJun 14, 2023
hi all!
hi all! I use Torus. Sometimes it logs me out when I refresh the page. what's wrong?
- expert q&a
13 - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaFoksa225Jun 13, 2023
What are the key components of Web3 architecture?
Can you list them and explain their purpose?
- Telegram bot
- expert q&a
02 - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaCopyMate29Apr 24, 2023
How to turn off the dark mode on Peeranha?
Found that some communities have dark mode. But I can't find any button to turn it off/on. Or it is a community Q&A design and there is no dark mode on Peeranha?
- expert q&a
11 - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaApr 13, 2023
Now you can add videos on Peeranha
Hi all ! Now you can add videos to your posts on the Peeranha
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- admin
11 - Hỏi đáp Chuyên GiaMar 09, 2023
35 points hard to achieve
To achieve 35 points in Peeranha prety hard road. I see posts where would love to interact, unfortunataly can't do anythink :( Any otever task to acheve this 35 points to finay be ablu to move? Thank you ☺️
- discussion
23Câu trả lời hay nhất
- 328
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