向Peera Meta社区的专家提问
52- 专家问答Dec 04, 2024
peera 入门
你好,我是新来的. 只想知道如何提高我的声誉. 因为我想评论和点赞一些帖子,但我做不到,因为我的声誉很低. 这是我在这里的第一篇文章. 而且,我是一名在 cyfrin updraft 上学习 solidity 的初学者所以我想我会经常使用这个平台,谢谢社区.
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22 - 专家问答Dec 26, 2023
嗨伙计们, 作为一个对智能合约审计感兴趣但从未做过的人,我的脑海里浮现出这个问题. 如果审计师发现了一个可以说是严重的漏洞,该漏洞将使他能够窃取漏洞赏金中的所有资金,但不愿向被审计的公司公布,该怎么办?在这种情况下,他们将能够窃取所有资金. 这些公司如何保护自己免受此类漏洞的侵害?提前谢谢!
- discussion
11 - 专家问答Aug 17, 2023
Peeranha platform APIs
Is Peeranha an open source platform and can we use its APIs? Any plans for the future?
- expert q&a
21 - 专家问答CopyMate29Aug 11, 2023
Are there any plans to make Peeranha a cross-chain protocol?
Currently Peeranha is storing knowledge on Polygon and IPFS that is amazing! However, to date, there is some competition between L1 ecosystems in Web3. Consequently, the knowledge and activity of the Near community is unlikely to be possible on Polygon. This leads to a logical question about launching Peeranha on other chains and achieving the status of cross-chain project.
- expert q&a
21最佳答案官方答案 - 专家问答CopyMate29Apr 24, 2023
How to turn off the dark mode on Peeranha?
Found that some communities have dark mode. But I can't find any button to turn it off/on. Or it is a community Q&A design and there is no dark mode on Peeranha?
- expert q&a
11 - 专家问答Apr 13, 2023
Now you can add videos on Peeranha
Hi all ! Now you can add videos to your posts on the Peeranha
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11 - 专家问答Mar 09, 2023
35 points hard to achieve
To achieve 35 points in Peeranha prety hard road. I see posts where would love to interact, unfortunataly can't do anythink :( Any otever task to acheve this 35 points to finay be ablu to move? Thank you ☺️
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